Monday, August 14, 2017

Coffee on the trail

On one of my recent hikes, I tested three different ways of making coffee on a backpacking trip... 

Here's my review of all three methods:

The first item is a pouch from Trader Joe's that weighs 37g and makes two cups of coffee. You just have to fill the pouch with hot water and it comes with a spout. It doesn't seem great for the environment but itis easy to use. It was less than 3$ at the store.

The middle one is a silicone collapsible filter that works with #2 filters. It weighs 90g and you will need ground coffee on the side. It's probably better for longer multi-days hikes and it's the most time consuming method. It is however the most eco-friendly solution since you have no trash left after brewing your coffee... but you do have to clean the filter before slipping it back in your backpack. The silicone filter was about 13$ on Amazon.

The instant coffee packets on the right are from Starbucks. They are easy to use but not cheap. Each packet makes one cup. They weigh 4g each and are great to carry around all the time. They're 9.95$ for 12 packets on their website. 

The Starbucks packets and the Trader Joe's are both water resistant but make sure you bring a tightly sealed ziplock bag for your loose coffee if you decide to carry the collapsible filter.

(I have no affiliation with any of the stores mentioned in this post)

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Vegan Pies,n:284507&ie=UTF8&ref_=assoc_tag_ph_1384415829695&_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=pf4&tag=beusbeus-20&linkId=6cd65a22b48ba6bd71f434880ddc1def">Shop Amazon Warehouse Deals - Deep Discounts on Open-box and Used Kitchen Gadgets</a><img src="//" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

Mini Vegan Pies

(for 6 4.75 inch quiches or one 9 inch quiche)
2 cup bread flour
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup walnut oil
1/2 cup ice water
1 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp cumin

(you can make it easier by replacing walnut oil with same amount of olive oil)

Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix water and oil and pour slowly as you mix with fork.
knead the dough briefly and cut it in 6 equal pieces.

Roll the dough out with a baking pin or a bottle of wine into 6 circles bigger than the quiche pans and press the dough into the pans.

Tips: Score the bottom of the quiche with a fork and blind bake the crusts for at least 15 mn at 325 degrees, or until crust is golden/hard

Crispy Baked Tofu

Now this one is an easy way to always have delicious tofu at home with almost no work but a little bit of patience. (It's a great addition to salads, a topping for pizzas, a healthy snack on the go...)

Cut two or three blocks of tofu (Firm tofu is better) into small cubes and marinate the batch with olive oil, soy sauce, thyme, black pepper, salt and ground ginger. (I add Herbes de Provence later on while it's baking but adding that seasoning too early would just burn the herbs since the tofu will be in the oven for a long time).

Bake the tofu at 275 degrees for a few hours (from 4-6 hours depending on the size of the batch). Stir the tofu every half hour to make sure all side of the cubes are baked and I take it out of the oven when the bigger pieces have a crunch to it and the small bits are crispy. You can speed up the process by pressing all the water out of the blocks of tofu between two plates before cutting it into pieces.

You can them keep the batch of Tofu for days afterwards since all the moisture is gone and it is essentially Tofu Jerky.

Ratatouille (serves 4)

1 onion
2 green peppers
2 zucchinis
1 eggplant
2 tomatoes
1  small can of Tomato sauce (around 15 oz)
Thyme /Italian seasoning

Making ratatouille is easy and is always a crowd pleaser, it's all about cutting and prepping all the veggies and cooking them in the right order.

In a pan, starts with olive oil and add the copped onions. Stir until onions are soft and add the chopped green peppers. Stir for another few minutes and add the chopped zucchinis followed by the pieces of eggplant. You can now add seasoning (thyme, salt, pepper). Add the tomatoes and stir for a while until all veggies are cooked. Finish by adding the can of tomato sauce and let it simmer for a half hour.

Mashed Cauliflower with mushrooms (serves 4)

1 cauliflower head
1/2 cup Almond milk
1/2 cup water
1 garlic clove
1 bunch of Italian Parsley
4 oz mushrooms
Olive oil

In a food processor add the peeled garlic, the parsley and the mushrooms and chop the mixture.

Chop cauliflower in small pieces. In a large sauce pan add 1 tsp of olive oil, water and cauliflower and cook until it's soft enough to mash. Add the almond mild, the mushroom mixture and seasoning (salt, pepper, and anything else you fancy) and stir for a couple more minutes on low heat.

Once the crusts are cool and ready to serve, fill them with the ratatouille and the mashed cauliflower and top with the baked tofu.

Mini set of quiche pans with removable bottom

Regular 9 inch quiche pan