Monday, August 14, 2017

Coffee on the trail

On one of my recent hikes, I tested three different ways of making coffee on a backpacking trip... 

Here's my review of all three methods:

The first item is a pouch from Trader Joe's that weighs 37g and makes two cups of coffee. You just have to fill the pouch with hot water and it comes with a spout. It doesn't seem great for the environment but itis easy to use. It was less than 3$ at the store.

The middle one is a silicone collapsible filter that works with #2 filters. It weighs 90g and you will need ground coffee on the side. It's probably better for longer multi-days hikes and it's the most time consuming method. It is however the most eco-friendly solution since you have no trash left after brewing your coffee... but you do have to clean the filter before slipping it back in your backpack. The silicone filter was about 13$ on Amazon.

The instant coffee packets on the right are from Starbucks. They are easy to use but not cheap. Each packet makes one cup. They weigh 4g each and are great to carry around all the time. They're 9.95$ for 12 packets on their website. 

The Starbucks packets and the Trader Joe's are both water resistant but make sure you bring a tightly sealed ziplock bag for your loose coffee if you decide to carry the collapsible filter.

(I have no affiliation with any of the stores mentioned in this post)

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